Wednesday 12 April 2017


A body, believed to be that of a missing diver from Germany, has been recovered.
This according to dive master Beulah Mauz of African Dive Adventure.
Two sources have told the South Coast Herald that the man had been attacked by sharks.
However, Ms Mauz said the National Sea Rescue Institute had not released any information about the probable cause of the diver’s death.
The South Coast Herald has not yet received a report from the NSRI.
NATIONAL Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) spokesman Craig Lambinon has confirmed that his organisation is involved in a search for a missing diver off Protea Banks.
He was unable to provide further details about the operation or about the missing person but Beulah Mauz of dive operator African Dive Adventures told the South Coast Herald that the diver was one of her company’s clients.
A massive search, involving NSRI boats, local ski-boats and dive boats and a helicopter was under way, she said. Ms Mauz was unable to comment further but promised to provide more information as it became available.
Mr Lambinon said a press release would be issued once the operation was concluded.

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