Tuesday 4 April 2017


Calls for protest action have come from various organisations, including civil societies and political parties in response to the most recent cabinet reshuffle by President Jacob Zuma.
SaveSA, Outa, and the Democratic Alliance have all attempted to organise civil action through social media. A nationwide protest has been rumoured to be taking place on Friday, 7 April.
Protests have already begun in some parts of the country; SaveSA has coordinated efforts to occupy Church Square from Tuesday.
The Democratic Alliance said that they would march to Beyers Naude Square in the Johannesburg CBD on Friday, where they will hold a rally but changed plans on Tuesday afternoon.
“Following a meeting held this morning with members of the South African Police Service (SAPS), we have been informed that the SAPS will be unable to protect our marchers and ensure their safety from threats of violence from the ANC,” DA leader, Mmusi Maimane said in a statement.
“Numerous threats of violence have been received from the ANC’s Youth League, as well as certain branches within the ANC.”
The DA March for Change would now begin at the Westgate Transport Hub at 10am on Friday morning and end at Mary Fitzgerald Square, Johannesburg.

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