Monday 13 March 2017


He wants a new luxury private jet at the cost of R1,3bn of taxpayers hard earned money.

Is it necessary for a president to be protected and transported in the type of transport the world’s rich and famous use to get around? President Jacob Zuma wants a new private jet worth several Nkandlas to travel across South Africa and nip into neighbouring countries, according to a report in the Sunday Times. The plan to buy Zuma the VIP jet was kept secret. This is no doubt partly because the cost of buying it will anger taxpayers who are already reeling under the pressure of rising taxes and feeling angry about having to prop up an increasingly bloated government. The secrecy element will also raise suspicions that financial irregularity underpins the purchase. Remember that the nuclear power build programme with Russia was meant to be a secret? There are also questions about who will travel with Zuma in this jet and what they will take with them in their luggage. Every president needs to be protected, but with the economy under pressure, buying Zuma a private jet is surely not a national priority?

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